Monday, April 23, 2012

Another place to call home.

Been home in Lidköping for one day and are driving down to Smögen tomorrow again. Then i'm probably staying for three weeks, work for three weeks and then i'm off for a couple of days. AND we're opening on Saturday!!! Yeay, so exciting but right now it's so much to do still. But hey, i enjoy every minute of work (except the painting-everything-part..) so i'm not worried about working for three weeks straight. Karin is coming down on Friday as well, i've missed spending every minute with her this winter season so working AND living with her can't be anything else then AWESOME!!!

These hot chicks are coming down with me for the day tomorrow! They played the very first game (therefor this brilliant photo..) with their new team yesterday, i couldn't be there to watch it BUT from what i heard they kicked assssss!!!!

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